RELAX with Turkish Bath

No visit to Turkey is complete without a Turkish Hamam Experience.

At once invigorating and purifying, visiting a hamam provides a window into traditional Turkish Culture. It has its roots in both Roman and Turkish Cultures, taking the idea of Roman and Byzantine thermal baths and combining it with the Central Asian notion of steam bathing, cleansing rituals and an overriding respect for water!

Turkish baths are spacious and bright places. Continuous use of hot water and the ambient temperature of 35-45 centigrade degrees create an environment of high humidity. This ambient raises the body temperature and activates all the organs, expending a great energy. This change is very useful for the human body.

PESTEMAL: Pestemal is a woven cloth that used to cover the body in hammam. At the same time, pestemal is the traditional Turkish towel. Peshtemal has a history of nearly six hundred years in Anatolia. Turkish towel pestemal is a handicraft. Throughout history this Turkish towel was produced by weaving on hand looms by women. Pestemal has got a rich color harmony. There are distinctive patterns on this Turkish type bath towel.

Kese: Rubbing the body by the bath glove (after staying at the high-humidity environment for a long time) accelerates the skin renewal by removing the dead skin cells on the ectoderm. This process keeps the skin fresh.

Sweat: Doctors have been explaining the positive effects of sweating on the human health for centuries. Sweating is as important as the breathing for the body. A person sweats in the historical Turkish bath approximately 1 litre within 15 minutes. Sweating to this extent helps the kidneys. Toxins constitute the ten percent of the sweat thrown in this way. Sweating in the Turkish hammam opens the pores of the skin. Therefore it is frequently used in the treatment of cellulite. In addition, this method is good for arthritis and many other diseases. It speeds up the heart beat and blood circulation and so the organism is cleared.

Turkish Bath Turkish Bath
Turkish Bath Turkish Bath